Kate Kosmos, Ed.M., Ed.S.
Licensed Educational Psychologist
LEP #3862

There are many types of learners, and there is a broad range of learning potential and learning styles. Some children acquire knowledge and skills with little effort while others struggle to learn and assimilate information. My goal is to assist children in developing educational support strategies that are meaningful and appropriately matched to their unique needs and learning differences.

All people develop beliefs about themselves based on their life experiences. From early childhood one’s ability to make friends and sustain relationships, and one’s achievements in school, are major factors in the development of a child’s feelings of self-worth. Accomplishment or failure in relationships and academic achievement can set the tone for life-long learning, and have an enormous impact on the development of self-esteem. Helping children identify what they need to be well-rounded individuals is essential.

Kate Kosmos is committed to your child’s success. Learning is a unique and individualized process, but educational success is a cooperative effort between students, parents, and teachers. Kate Kosmos advocates for your children. She is committed to helping them conquer and integrate their distinctive learning challenges, meet educational and social skills milestones, and gain a positive sense of self.

I am available by appointment only, so please call 510.918.2281 or fill out the form on the Contact page to schedule an appointment.